Dr. Gerrard of De Montfort University visits USTB
Release Time: 2019-11-07Views:
Dr. Kate Gerrard, Deputy Director of the Confucius Institute and Director of Faculty Operations for the School of Arts, Design and Humanities at De Montfort University (DMU), made her first visit to the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) on October 13th in order to discuss greater collaboration between the two universities.
Accompanied by Gao Dahai, Director of DMU’s Beijing Office, she met with Professor Feng Qiang, the Director of the Office of International Affairs at USTB. Prof. Feng spoke of USTB’s strong and enduring ties with the Confucius Institute at DMU, and how the university looked forward to expanding the partnership through greater faculty and student exchanges. “We are planning to send a delegation led by senior university leadership to visit DMU next year to discuss further collaboration,” said Prof. Feng.
Professor Zhang Donghui exchanges gifts with Dr. Gerrard
After her meeting with Prof. Feng, Dr. Gerrard visited the School of Humanities & Social Science, accompanied by Li Bei, Deputy Director of the Office International Affairs. There she received a warm welcome from Prof. Zhang Donghui, dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, along with other deans and directors of the school, including Xu Bin, Han Xuezhou, Hou Denghua, Xun Jianli, and Ma Shengqiang.
Dr. Gerrard receives a warm welcome at the School of Humanities and Social Science
The welcoming ceremony was followed by a meeting to discuss student exchange programs, joint projects in humanities and cooperation in scientific research.
Dr. Gerrard
Dr. Gerrard started by introducing the School of Arts, Design and Humanities (AD&H) at DMU. She conveyed DMU’s desire to collaborate with USTB’s School of Humanities & Social Science. She continued by saying that the AD&H is very much looking forward to strengthening its relationship with USTB through the Confucius Institute at DMU, as well as developing partnerships with both the School of Foreign Studies and the School of Humanities & Social Sciences at USTB.
Professor Zhang Donghui
Prof. Zhang Donghui shared his belief that DMU and USTB had already laid a solid foundation for further exchanges and cooperation. The Confucius Institute, co-established by the two institutions in early 2014, has been a bridge between USTB and DMU, and would serve to facilitate further exchanges and joint-research opportunities between the School of Humanities & Social Science of USTB and the School of Art, Design and Humanities of DMU.

Dr. Gerrard Discusses Greater Collaboration
Prof. Zhang’s colleagues mentioned possible directions in which both sides could explore further exchange and cooperation. The meeting came to a conclusion with the two parties reaching a preliminary consensus on the overall direction for future collaboration.
During her visit, Dr. Gerrard learned that the newly updated USTB English website has dedicated a special section (see below) to the Confucius Institute. It promotes more visibility and better publicity to both universities and their joint venture --- the Confucius Institute at DMU.
More information please refer to our website http://en.ustb.edu.cn/life_ustb/confuciusinstitute/index.htm]