USTB Leadership Holds a Meeting Regarding Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control
Release Time: 2020-02-13Views:
On the afternoon of February 12, USTB leadership held a meeting to discuss measures concerning the prevention and control of the coronavirus epidemic. The purpose of the meeting was to study and implement regulations for winning the war against the spreading epidemic, implement the various requirements of the Ministry of Education, China, and the Beijing Municipal Government, and make epidemic prevention and control work the university’s number one priority in order to win the fight against the coronavirus and protect the faculty and students of USTB.
The meeting was attended by Mr. WU Guilong, Chancellor of USTB, Prof. YANG Renshu, President, Prof. DAI Jinggang, Vice Chancellor, Prof. WANG Weicai, Vice President, and Prof. ZANG Yong, Vice President. Also in attendance via online conferencing were more than 100 participants including other university leaders, members of the USTB epidemic prevention and control work group, and the deans and directors of the various schools, departments and offices of the university. The meeting was chaired by President YANG Renshu.
At the meeting, Vice president WANG Weicai gave a report on the epidemic prevention and control work of USTB. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, USTB has instructed its faculty and students to give top priority to protecting their personal well-being as well as the well-being of others and maintaining campus stability. USTB has worked to understand the evolving situation and engage in early action, and has earnestly implemented various epidemic prevention measures such as teacher and student management, campus management and control, isolation and observation, and postponing the spring semester. In facing the epidemic, the faculty have played an active part in this prevention and control work, demonstrating the strong spirit of USTB and effectively preventing the spread of the virus into the campus. As of February 12, there were no confirmed or suspected cases of the coronavirus among the teachers and students of USTB.
Chancellor WU Guilong reported on the government’s instructions and requirements for winning the battle against the coronavirus epidemic. He said that the current situation remains complicated and grim, and that USTB needs to adopt a more determined attitude, stricter requirements, and engage in more decisive actions to safeguard the health of teachers and students and maintain campus stability. First, it is necessary for everyone to act responsibly and fulfill their duties. USTB must continue to strengthen internal supervision and the accountability of its people, and remain current on relevant information and statistics. Second, the university should persist in campus management and control. USTB needs to continue the strict management of its buildings and gates, maintaining overall campus supervision in order to avoid any blind spots, as well as manage students and returning faculty. Third, USTB should adhere to the management of students who are not present on campus, including learning of their current situation and arranging for distance learning. USTB must also strengthen humanistic care and psychological counseling, and continue working to ensure employment for senior students following graduation. Fourth, the university must follow medical regulations for preventing the virus from entering the campus, quickly diagnosing the ill, and isolating suspected cases. Fifth, USTB should strengthen publicity and education efforts, provide positive guidance, release relevant information in a timely, accurate, and transparent fashion, and promote positive energy. Finally, USTB should strengthen overall planning and perform information gathering so as to quickly act on the development of the epidemic. This includes preparing for the students return to campus, readying for the beginning of the new semester, performing annual work and the addressing the needs and goals of USTB.
President YANG Renshu pointed out that the most important task at present is to prevent the spread of the epidemic to our university, safeguard the health of personnel and students, and maintain the stability of the campus. USTB must adhere to higher standards and stricter requirements in order to win the battle against the coronavirus. First, the university should strictly implement measures for epidemic prevention and control for teachers and students, making sure that students do not return to USTB without approval, support prevention and control work in the residence areas, and adopt comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and stability of the campus. Second, USTB shall make preparations for the delayed start of the spring semester and the students’ return to university, as well as coordinate education, teaching, and distance learning services during the special period. USTB shall increase its efforts towards providing assistance for student employment guidance and psychological counseling to strengthen their confidence and stability. The university shall develop a plan for the students to return to USTB, and work especially with students in seriously affected areas and students with difficulties returning to campus. Third, USTB shall continue to actively pursue its "Double First Class" construction efforts, while dutifully conducting teaching and research work. Finally, President YANG Renshu stressed that this was a time of emergency. As such we should take extraordinary measures to unite all teachers and students in order to win the battle for preventing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic into our campus.